Breakfast for Dinner: Make it a Good Evening

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Corned Beef Hash Recipe

(Adapted from a Corned Beef Hash recipe from delish.com)

There are probably times when you look into the refrigerator and cannot find much to use for making dinner. In the past, this might have called for a hurried trip to the store (maybe during the afternoon rush hour) to pick up important ingredients for the evening meal. Or you may have settled for a quick preparation option which may be more expensive or less nutritious.

This recipe is perfect for those times you are low on supplies. This recipe allows you to whip up a hearty favorite with items that you probably already have on hand. And it's flexible enough to allow for meat or vegetable substitutions depending on what's in your fridge. This recipe makes 4 generous servings.

  • 2 tsp. canola, vegetable, or corn oil
  • 1 onion or bell pepper, chopped
  • 4 cups frozen hash browns
  • 1 cup corned beef brisket, chopped
  • 1/2 cup chicken broth
  • 4 large eggs
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Fill up a large skillet with 4 cups of water and bring to a simmer. Break each egg into a small dish or ramekin and gently slip the egg from the dish into the water. This process helps keep the egg from breaking apart in the hot water. Poach for 4 to 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, heat the oil in a cast-iron skillet until medium-hot, then add in the vegetable of your choice and sauté for 5 to 8 minutes until browning begins. Add the potatoes and cook for 8 more minutes until they begin to appear crusty. Stir in the meat and broth and cook for another 5 to 8 minutes or until the liquid is completely absorbed.

Divide the hash onto 4 plates, then salt and pepper each portion to taste. Place poached eggs atop each serving.