Cool Cooking Gadgets for Kids

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Plastic Measuring Cups

If you have plastic measuring cups of different sizes with wide handles, your little ones can help you measure liquids. You might want to start with water because a small tyke is liable to spill while "helping" you. Water is also easy to clean up, won't stain clothes and is less expensive than liquids such as milk or vegetable oils.

Cookie Cutters

Just the word "cookies" attracts kids to the kitchen like bees to honey. Children not only love to eat cookies, kids love to make cookies. Many cookie recipes, such as sugar cookies, gingerbread cookies and chocolate sugar cookies, work well with cookie cutters.

Have a variety of cookie cutters on hand for different holidays throughout the year. Your kids will want to have cookies in heart shapes for Valentine's Day, pumpkins for Halloween and Christmas trees for Christmas. In addition, have some "just because" cookie cutters in fun shapes like bears, stars, and even dinosaurs. Your little one will love being able to make choices for the shapes of the cookies that you and your family are going to eat.

Flour Sifters

Yes, flour comes pre-sifted. However, by the time that you get that pre-sifted flour home, the flour has been tossed and shaken to a point where it has settled again. If a recipe calls for sifted flour, you will have better results if you sift the flour before you bake.