Healthful, Tasty Coffee Drinks

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Substitute skim milk for cream wherever possible. Non-dairy creamers are a calorie-free option, but they may not be to everyone's taste, plus they can contain harmful trans fats. Cut the whipped cream and save yourself up to 120 calories. Avoid coffee drinks that are made from mixes, which are often heavy in trans fats.

An easy, low-calorie recipe for coffee frappe requires nothing more than 2 teaspoons instant coffee of your choice, 1 1/2 cups cold water, ice cubes, skim milk and sugar to taste, whipped together in the blender. This drink has less than 50 calories. You can also substitute cold-brewed coffee for instant. It takes more time, but nearly all the flavoring and caffeine of the coffee beans will come through.

When making coffee drinks at home, why not experiment with some low-calorie combinations? A dash of vanilla extract dances on your taste buds. Use a teaspoon of coconut milk instead of dairy milk for a tropical flavor. Almond milk enhances the mellow nut taste of mild brews, while allspice and ginger intensifies strong brews.