Healthy Cooking: Add Flavor, Not Fat
If you are uncertain about steaming your vegetables or you are simply looking for alternatives, you'll find that sauteeing your vegetables or even by roasting them you can retain the health benefits and to keep things simple. Keep in mind, healthy cooking methods are not about adding difficulty to the process of preparing your foods; instead, healthy cooking methods are all about making full flavored meals that are more nutritious for you and your family.
Foods do not need to be fired in order to have flavor; heavy oils and preservative laden seasonings do not to be used in order to give foods the flavors that you want them to have. Healthy cooking methods make it possible for you to keep all of the nutritional value (in some cases, to enhance it by not overcooking fresh vegetables or to reduce the amount of fat on meats) of your food and to take advantage of a diet that is heavy on flavor and variety.