Important Ingredients and Supplies for Baking

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Flavored vinegars, including balsamic vinegar, red and white wine vinegar, herb or fruit infused vinegars and cider vinegar are all great additions to the well-stocked pantry. Pick up one or two each week when you do the grocery shopping, and you will soon have a full selection of vinegars to experiment with.

Other baking ingredients to keep in your pantry include canned unsweetened juices, unsweetened fruit spreads, raisins, dried fruits, sunflower seeds, sliced almonds, cocoa powder, salt, kosher salt and sea salt, whole peppercorns (so much better freshly ground than pre-ground), cream of tartar, baking soda, vanilla and other flavored extracts as well as cooking sprays. Canned tomato paste is incredibly versatile and can be used in a huge variety of recipes from soup to dessert.

Dried beans, especially lentils, cook up quickly with brown rice and vegetables. A variety of grains like couscous, quinoa, cornmeal, rolled oats and kasha make delicious sides or alternatives to rice and potatoes.

Pasta in a variety of shapes -- bow-ties, angel hair, linguine, shells and elbows may all be pasta, but they each show off the flavor of different dishes best.

Rice is another "bland" ingredient that has a lot of character, especially if you branch out to some of the more exotic varieties. Basmati and jasmine rice are just two varieties of rice that can elevate a rice dish to new heights. Of course, plain white rice is great as a side dish, under a stir fry, tossed into a soup or simmered into a delicious dessert.