The Art of Making Cappuccino

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Different Types of Cappuccino
The Classic Cappuccino
This type of cappuccino is common in Italy and North America, and it's simply a cappuccino that is only topped with frothed milk (no steamed milk poured into the espresso). You simply top your 1-2 ounces of espresso with 1-2 ounces of foam. Delicious!

The Iced Cappuccino
Though the iced cappuccino doesn't differ in ingredients from the basic cappuccino, it is prepared differently. First, you brew your espresso (a single or double shot). Then you put about 5-6 ice cubes into a glass and pour the espresso over them. Stir it up to bring the temperature down. Then pour the cooled espresso into a serving cup and add 2-3 ounces of cold milk. Finally, froth up 2-3 ounces of milk and spoon only the warm froth onto the top.

The Milky Way Cappuccino
Now we're getting into the yummy stuff. If you like chocolate and caramel -- and who doesn't? -- you'll love this one. In order to make a Milky Way Cappuccino, you simply create a basic (or classic) cappuccino and add one ounce of chocolate and one ounce of caramel before adding the milk (you pour the chocolate and caramel into the espresso and then pour the milk).
Simple but great!

The Almond Cappuccino
If you like almonds, you'll love this recipe. Before mixing the steamed milk with the espresso, pour one ounce of vanilla extract and one ounce of almond extract into the espresso. Then simply finish off the Basic Cappuccino and enjoy!