How to Peel Almost Anything

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Start by cutting the top and bottom off the fruit. Then the place it on a flat surface so that it is standing upright and using your favorite knife cut vertical slices of skin away, keeping the blade as close to the contour of the fruit as possible. Using this method you will find it very easy, for example, to remove the segments from peeled fruit such as oranges and grapefruit. You simply slip a small bladed knife between the pieces of flesh and the membranes that separate them. In this way you can quickly and easily prepare a fruit salad for example, a salsa or your favorite tomato sauce. In fact, the possibilities are endless. Speaking of tomatoes, once you have peeled them, you might as well go the whole hog and remove the seeds as well.

Why would you do this? Because the seeds are inedible anyway, and the pulp they are in introduces a lot of water into anything they are added to. Anyway, who wants to get a tomato seed stuck in their teeth?

Did you know, by the way that tomato seeds are not only inedible, they are virtually indestructible? So much so that a number of coastal currents have been traced by tracking the progress of these little wonders once they escaped from the water treatment plant.

So why bother to eat something that neither you, the sewage plant, nor the sea can digest?