Understanding Your Personal Year

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1 Personal Year
New beginnings, new ideas, increased vitality

A 1 personal year brings new beginnings and new ideas. It is a time to launch new projects, conceive new businesses, and embark on new relationships. You may find that things that have been important in the last decade or so lose their importance now as new ideas take their place.

In a 1 personal year, you are setting the stage for the next nine years of your life. This is not a time to sit back and wait for things to happen. You will have the opportunity to start making things happen. The things that you do and dream this year contain the seeds for the plants that will grow over the next nine years. A personal 1 year also often brings increased physical vitality

2 Personal Year
Cooperation, Continuation, Nurturing, Development

A 2 personal year can be frustrating after the intense energy and excitement of a 1 year. This is the year that seeds start to grow - the projects and relationships you've begun require nurturing and patience. This is a year to keep plugging away, slowly and steadily, while you continue to build on your dreams.

In a 2 personal year, the focus may be on relationships of all kinds as well. It's not uncommon for new relationships to start and old ones to end during this personal year.