Daily Reading
Saturday, July 6, 2024

It's important for you to take action on a day like today, Cancer. Trust yourself and your instincts. Oftentimes you'll have the perfect advice for every situation and every other person except yourself. Remember that you might have to consult others in order to find the best counsel for yourself. Talk things out and take definitive action. Hesitation causes delay. You have all the facts you need.

Important planetary aspects of the day:
Moon quintiles Mars; Moon sextiles Mercury; Moon quincunxes Neptune;... Read More
Recommended attitudes/ strategies for the day:
Don't waste time beating around the bush but get straight to... Read More
Activities that are highly favoured:
Performing remedial prayers; learning advanced martial-art techniques;... Read More
Activities that are preferably avoided:
Surgery on the respiratory organs; lending/ borrowing money;... Read More
General numerological guidance for the day:
3 and 9 borns will enjoy better luck than others; 6 borns must... Read More