Naughty Dreams: What They Mean

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Insecurities play a part in cheating dreams, too - whether you're the one cheating on your partner or the one being cheated on. If you're the cheater, examine ways in which you feel you might've wronged your partner and strive to make things right. And don't beat yourself up about dreaming about your friend's mate - you're probably simply fixating on a quality that he or she has that you'd like to possess yourself. Finally, if you dream about having a tail, genitalia of the opposite sex (or both sets of genitalia) or any other strange sexual quality, then it doesn't mean you were born a hermaphrodite. It perhaps means that you need to embrace some of the qualities of the opposite sex, such as masculinity if you're a woman. Or you could be maturing and growing as a person. These types of dreams can be common as we enter different life phases, such as menopause. So don't take an odd dream or two as a sign that you need to spend some quality time with a therapist - they're normal, even if they don't feel that way!