Sex for Dummies: Who Can Help You Get Your Groove On

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Feel like you're fumbling in the bedroom? Everyone deserves a happy, healthy and fulfilling sex life but inexperience, social stigmas or self-esteem can all keep you from reaching your sexual potential. You might feel like you'll be stuck as a 40-year-old virgin or an awkward one-night stand forever, but there is hope. Check out these resources, people and places that can help you get your mojo back.

A Sex Therapist - Okay, okay you're probably having flashbacks of Dr. Ruth or your mother's old dog-eared copy of "The Joy of Sex" but modern sex therapy is a whole new game. While visiting a sex therapist may not be up there on your list of "fun things to do" it can be quite beneficial.

A professional sexual counselor can help you work through your issues in a private and neutral environment. Whether it is shyness, inability to reach orgasm or a health disorder - you can work to improve it through mind and body exercises.

Sex School - These classes go beyond what you learned in sex ed. Popping up all over the country in erotic stores and natural health clinics are sensuality workshops that teach men and women new sexual techniques that can improve your performance and make you more comfortable experimenting in the bedroom. Topics can range anywhere from massage to mastering the art of dirty talk. Go on, make him hot for teacher.