Top 5 Cringe-Worthy Moments in the Bedroom

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You're having sex and all of sudden something unexpected happens. All you want to do is crawl into a hole and never come out. However, someone else is underneath you ready to burst. What do you do?

Check out the 5 most cringe-worthy moments people experience when having sex. What? You thought you were the only one? Oh no. You definitely aren't solo in embarrassing sex blunders.

But now you can find out what others have experienced and what to do about it. That way, you can be prepared to deal with whatever happens during sex with a chill attitude so you can get back to what matters - sealing the deal.

Cringing Moment #1: Burp During a Kiss

Sometimes the air bubble forms in your stomach and escapes up your esophagus so quickly, there's no chance of swallowing while you are kissing. What happens? You share that burp with your kissing partner!

Ew, right? Well, hey, it happens.