Top 5 Cringe-Worthy Moments in the Bedroom

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Cringing Moment #3: Saying the Wrong Name

You're in the moment and you're about to release the sexual tension you built up and blurt out, "OH HENRY!" While it's a great treat to your partner because it shows he has pleased you - it's not so great when his name is Bob.

It's okay, with so many people in your life, it's easy to get confused in the heat of the moment - especially if you've been drinking. But what do you do when you accidentally slip and say the wrong name?

Keep going pretending nothing happened. With all of the intensity of the sex you are having, he may not have noticed. If he stops though, apologize immediately and go down on him to help him forget, if he lets you.

Now, if he is completely turned off because you just called him Henry instead of Bob, accept it for what it is - a mistake that can't be undone so you might as well get dressed and head out.

Cringing Moment #4: Sex Move Rejection

Porn can be a dangerous thing to sexual partners. It introduces so many different acts people can do and some people just don't want to do them.

Here's an example of that exact thing happening: