5 Ways to Take Control in the Bedroom

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Are you looking to take command in the bedroom? Maybe your partner has made the request, and you don't know where to start. Or you've always wondered what it would be like to exercise full control over just what happens (and doesn't happen) between the sheets. Our guide will outline 5 tips and tricks to help you become the dominant force in the bedroom.

Tip #1 - Communicate and Initiate

Sometimes women are reticent about communicating their sexual desires to their partners, including what turns them on, what methods works for them and precisely what needs to happen for them to finish.

So the first step is to know thyself - self-pleasuring is the best way to know for sure what exactly is going on down under. If you don't know what you like, how could you ever expect your lover to know? Once you are thoroughly familiar with what turns you on, be vocal and don't be shy - let him know that you are enjoying what's happening and what isn't working.

Now this might be fine and dandy for a regular old romp in the hay, but you're here to take control, right? Once you are comfortable communicating your physical responses to your partner, you can take the liberty of being more aggressive.