Have a Kid-Friendly Thanksgiving

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Good Thanksgiving foods for baby to feast on include turkey, ham, mashed and sweet potatoes, beans, peas, carrots, cranberry sauce, bread, and pies. Pass on choking hazards like corn, succotash and stuffing and allergy risks like nuts, seafood, and rich casseroles, which can upset baby's tummy.

If you travel for the holiday, then be sure that wherever you stay is childproofed. If not, then inspect the area upon arriving. Hazards in hotel rooms can include exposed outlets, potentially poisonous toiletries, appliances like coffee machines, and heavy televisions placed high on dressers. Look for window blind cords wherever you're staying, and tie them up out of kids' reach. Supervise children more closely than you would at home while playing or when they use the bathroom, where medications might be stored. Most important, enjoy the time with family and friends - just make sure your kids are safe while doing it.