Teaching Your Child to Be Responsible

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As the child gets older, he can help with cooking dinner, putting away groceries, doing yard work and doing the laundry. It doesn't hurt to reward your child with an allowance. But responsibility isn't just about chores. Your child should stay on top of his schoolwork. In the evenings, he should get all of his things ready for the following day. If your child forgets his homework, let him suffer the consequences. Kids should learn at a young age you won't always be there to clean up the messes - both figuratively and literally. Responsibility goes beyond just having a good work ethic. You also want to teach children to respect others, be honest, use self control and have some principles. It's little things like not calling people names, not littering and so forth. Talk to your child on a regular basis and teach him what's right and wrong. After all, you're the role model.