The Tests Every Expecting Mom Needs

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The number of ultrasounds you'll get varies from doctor to doctor and depends on the pregnancy, but you'll usually get one between five and eight weeks to determine due date, then again around 20 weeks to check the number of fetuses growing, development and even sex. You may have another closer to your due date, particularly if the baby is overdue, to check that he or she is developing normally. At about the 16th week, you may be offered the triple-screen test, which measures the levels of three different chemicals in the blood that can indicate conditions such as Down syndrome and spina bifida. Based on the results of this test, or if the mom is 35 or older, your doctor may recommend an amniocentesis, an invasive procedure in which fluid is taken from the amniotic sac. This test carries a very low risk of miscarriage, but it may be worth the risk.