Drinking your Calories

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Limit juice but do offer two cups a day of non-fat or 1% milk. It's great for children older than two to provide calcium and vitamin D (whole milk is fine from ages 1 to 2).

Do offer water through out the day (try a keeping cold pitcher in the frig).

Add slices of lemon or squeeze a little bit of fresh orange juice to add some flavor.

If your child plays sports like volleyball, basketball or soccer, it is important to drink water 20 minutes prior to your practice or game. Their body sweats off fluid to keep cool. So, if your children are super active and/or it is really hot, remember to have them drink every 20 minutes or so including after their game.

This family wellness article is provided by Nourish Interactive, visit www.nourishinteractive.com for nutrition articles, family wellness tips, free children's healthy games, and tools. Available in English and Spanish.

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