Choked Up! 7 Foods That Can Kill Your Child

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5. Popcorn: The movies can turn into a real horror show when it comes to feeding kids popcorn. It's on the American Academy of Pediatrics' list of foods not to give a child until age 4, and for good reason. The size of a popped kernel is perfect for getting lodged in the throat, blocking the trachea, and pieces of a chewed, popped kernels can be inhaled easily, an event that can be lethal for a child.

Those unpopped kernels at the bottom of the bag also pose a choking threat. This food is definitely not an easy one to cut or section in order to make it safer for small children, which is why it is featured in the AAP's 2008 policy statement, advising parents not to give popcorn to young children at all.

6. Grapes: They may be the fruit of the gods, but they certainly aren't a fruit for small children. Grapes are considered a high choking risk for kids. In fact, some daycares flat-out refuse to even serve whole grapes to children. Whole grapes pose a definite danger for children because they can easily become lodged in the throat and block the airway.

To reduce the risk, grapes should be peeled and sliced in half. For toddlers, smash up grapes until the fruit reaches a mushy consistency.