Dress Your Child Like a Celebri-kid

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An element of being a trendsetter is trying new and unique things. Many children's outfits, especially for special occasions like holidays can be predictable and boring. Swap out a frilly Christmas dress for a sequined tunic or a seer-sucker Easter suit for khakis and an argyle sweater vest. Go for the unexpected, and your kids will look like they just stepped out of a magazine.

Keeping your children's clothing in good condition is another way to keep them looking like celebs. You don't see many well-off stars with ratty, dirty or scuffed clothes and shoes. Wash pieces according to the label and be sure to dry clean anything that requires it. Toss or donate ill-fitting or damaged items.

Accessories for kids are another great option to add to your child's wardrobe that adds pop and high-fashion style. Little girls can pile on colorful or metallic bangles, sparkly purses and clip-in, feathered hair extensions. Young boys can look like Hollywood hunks in newsboy caps, baby blazers, cartoon character bowties and little loafers.