TIP: Acknowledge his feelings. This aligns you with David and sets the stage for him to begin to work through his own problems.
David: "Dad, can I get this Power Ranger?"Dad: "No, David I am not buying toys today."
David: Eyebrows coming closer together and lip starting to pucker. "But it is the last one I need and I will have them all."
Dad: "Not today David."
David, Screaming and crying. "You never get me anything I ask for. You don't love me."Dad, Acknowledging David's feelings. "You must feel really sad about not being able to get the Power Ranger. I know I sometimes feel bad when I can't get what I want."
David, Sniffling. "Yea, I really want it."
Dad: "Tell you what. (Taking pen and paper out of planner) I will write this down as 'things David wants.'"