How to Make Perfume Last Longer

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Moist skin is a must; however, don't apply perfume right after you get out of the shower. Many perfumes have a complementary moisturizing lotion, shower gel or even shampoo and conditioner available. It's money well spent if you're looking for ways to make your scent last. Layering your scent will help you achieve the full effect. If you don't want to splurge for additional products, use a non-scented lotion that won't clash with your fragrance. Apply perfume to the body's pressure points - wrists, neck and behind the knees. Then mist the body with your scent. Always put perfume on prior to getting dressed so that you have direct access to those pressure points. Spray your brush with the perfume of your choice. Another effective tip is to dab a bit of Vaseline to the points you're going to spray to assist the scent in adhering better to the skin.