Product Review: Pretika SonicDermabrasion Facial Brush

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.11 (9 Votes)
The process of cleaning is very easy - you simply apply cleanser to your wet face and wet the brush, then pass the brush over your face, pressing gently and avoiding the eye area. The entire process takes exactly 60 seconds - 20 seconds per section of your face. The Pretika beeps when 20 seconds have elapsed and does so three times during the cleansing so each section gets equal time. It's a neat feature that helps keep you from overcleansing and keeps your cleaning time to a minimum. The removable brush rinses off easily, and so will your face. Pat dry, and you're ready to apply cream or makeup. Whether it's that much better for women with normal skin who aren't prone to breakouts remains to be seen - a clean washcloth seems to do the job as well. But those who need deep cleaning on a regular basis in order to keep pores from getting clogged would benefit from a sonic brush cleaner.