Stinky Stars: The Best and Worst Celebrity Perfumes

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The stars who tend to miss the mark with their fragrances include Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Gwen Stefani. The heiress has a few scents out, and critics agree they're about as substantial as her personality, with fruity or beachy scents that fade pretty fast. Spears cranks out perfumes like she used to crank out hits - she has put out at least one fragrance a year since 2004, but they all seem to appeal to the tween set. And Stefani's Harajuku Lovers quintet - Love, Angel, Music, Baby and G - have adorable bottles, but that's about the highest compliment they get. BellaSugar.com notes the alcohol smell that they all have, plus the superficial floral and fruity notes that are barely noticeable. Perfume is highly personal, so embark on your own smell test before committing.