Ladies: How to Get The Perfect Shave

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Clogged razors don't work very well. Be sure to clear accumulated hair and shaving cream from the razor as you go. How frequently you have to do this depends on the amount of hair you're removing. Always rinse the hair and shaving cream completely off.


When you get out of the tub or shower, pat yourself dry with a soft clean towel. Rubbing hard will lead to red, irritated skin. Moisturizing your legs right after shaving will help lock in moisture and give you the smooth results you're looking for. Some skin creams can sting and inflame newly shaven areas. To avoid this, you can wait an hour or so after shaving to apply moisturizer. If you want to moisturize right out of the tub, be sure the skin product you use is very mild and not heavily scented. Many women report good results with baby oil or Eucerin cream.

Shave lumps and ingrown hairs don't often affect legs. They usually occur in sweat-prone areas like the underarm. Wherever annoying shaving side effects strike you, you can reduce the occurrence with a medicated, anti-bump shave gel or crème.

Underarm stubble can drive a girl crazy! You can reduce shaving irritation in this spot with a medicated powder, like Gold Bond.