Lips Like Angelina

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You might also opt for minimally-invasive injectable fillers like Restylane or Juvederm. Different fillers may use different ingredients to provide fuller lips such as hyaluronic acid, collagen and more. Lip implants involve the insertion of natural or synthetic material through small incisions. Implant procedures may require a longer recovery period than injectable treatments.

Plump Lip Tips: Natural Plumpers

There are plenty of chemical-free, natural ways to stimulate your lips and make them appear fuller. Physical exercises like whistling for 2-5 minutes a day can result in pouty, plump lips if you make it a habit.

Lightly biting your lips may prove helpful as well. It is what they used to do in Victorian times! In fact, women went even further than that in the 1800s. Beauty, What It Is and How to Retain It, originally printed in 1873, states, “Paint is used, we believe, by some absurd women, on the lips - we need scarcely say to their ultimate injury and always at the user’s peril.” Looks like the quest for a perfect pout transcends generations.

Next time you’re grocery shopping, skip the makeup aisle and head to the produce section instead. Plants like peppermint and ginger are not only good for stimulating blood flow when applied to the lips, they also taste better than many chemical products! You can purchase peppermint oil in most natural food stores, and fresh ginger is easy to grab at your local supermarket.