5 Autumn Fashion Trends to Fall For

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The pantsuit also makes for a good canvas to mix in dark wine colors, which have been all over the runways as well. Wine colors like burgundy are adding a little more life to the otherwise toned-down fall hues. Based on Alexander Wang’s and Tommy Hilfiger’s Fall 2012 collections, it seems burgundy is certainly a prominent color of the season.

Give Your Makeup a Fall Makeover

It’s not just your clothing and accessories that feel the fall breeze rolling in this season. Make sure your makeup is matching your new fashion finds by focusing on deep reds for lipstick, smoky browns for your eyes, and warm gold accents for your cheeks.

Fall makeup colors tend toward the warm color palette with dark blacks, browns, and deep reds used to draw attention to the eyes and lips. To highlight facial features like your cheekbones, lighter warm colors like gold and bronze can give a glowing boost to your face.

Don’t neglect your nails this season, either. The gloves are off until the temperatures get really chilly! The top fashion magazines are all buzzing with the hottest nail trend - rebellious French manicures. Forget the iconic white polish, go bold with dark blacks and burgundies for the tips.

Final Thoughts for Fall

Be fearless in fall and keep away the winter blues - don’t be scared to mix up some funky, colorful prints with the typical dark, plain pieces already in your closet. Accent your outfit with trendy boots and some printed or brightly colored socks. Remember that a little burst of color during the fall color season can really draw attention!