Cute Cover-Up Ideas: From Shawls to Shrugs, Fashionable Ways to Stay Warm

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Faux Fur Vest You May Want to Try: Ann Taylor Loft Faux Fur Vest, $98

This faux fur vest comes in ivory (with a hint of light brown), and it has just a bit of volume to offset your look. Accessorize this with a long necklace, and you're good to go!

Tailored or Cropped Jacket

For those in-between weather days when it's not too cold, you may want to opt for a tailored jacket. The simple, fitting lines that hug close to your body are flattering to the midsection, and work well with fitted jeans, work slacks and even skirts. This year, look for some embellishments on tailored coats, and some double-breasted versions. Most popular are the versions that crop at the waistline, but look for some longer versions this season, as well.

Tailored Jacket You May Want to Try: DKNY Jeans Jacket, Tailored Military, $60-$80

Let the minimalist, menswear-inspired looks continue! Notice the influences in this denim jacket, with epaulets on the shoulders, darts for a fitted look and a stand collar.


The cardigan has made a comeback, and in grand fashion. But this winter, expect to see a new take on the traditional winter wear, and look for cardigans that taper down at your upper thigh/hip area. The cardigans can be thin, or knit, and while you have the option to button, you should also have the option to tie. Expect some cardigans to look a bit bolder than the demure stereotype of seasons past.