How to Buy a Winter Coat

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With so many of us keeping a close eye on our bank account, you may consider skipping the mall and high-end department stores and heading straight to a discount retailer like T.J.Maxx, Overstock.com, Marshalls, Ross or Amazon.com, where you can snag a coat by a designer name for a reasonable price. While bargain shopping for a winter coat can devolve into a treasure hunt, your efforts will be rewarded if you land a beautiful winter coat for a fraction of the suggested retail price!

When bargain hunting for a great winter coat, it pays to start early. For the discount retailers, you'll have to count on their outlet or website having limited quantities, making it extra important to shop before supplies run out. On the other hand, if you can muddle through the bulk of winter with a so-so coat, you can take advantage of early spring sales and deep discounts on winter items as stores rush to make room for bathing suits and shorts. Keep your eyes peeled to your local store circulars and shop windows; the winter clearance may kick in as early as January or February.

Comfort-and Practicality-Are Key

When choosing a style and fabric for your perfect winter coat, think about your lifestyle and budget as well as the average winter temperature where you live and work. Do you live in a northern city where you walk a lot in your daily commute? Then that cute little winter coat with the adorable cropped sleeves or flattering thin fabric is a no-go. Not ready to spend money on a dry cleaning bill every few weeks? Just say no to that white coat with the fur trim. Speaking of fur and leather, remember that both materials require special care and storage, and should only be purchased if you are prepared to take the extra time to properly tend to their "needs."