How To Re-Grow Hair

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Society has proven that someone with a shaved head is looked at as less trustworthy or appealing to the eye. The TV commercials or magazines do not show the hot girl with the bald headed man. Nope, it is the GQ looking guy with the nice thick well-trimmed haircut. The reason being, this type of look sells. Women just prefer it.

So what are the options if you want to find a treatment to get your hair to re-grow or be replaced?

- Your physical health. First, get yourself checked out by a physician to make sure there are no underlying health reasons for the hair loss. Your hair is a direct reflection of your physical health. If your body is deficient in a mineral or vitamin, it will show up in your hair growth.

- How about medication? A dermatologist can help you find out if medications, such as minoxidil, (Rogaine) or prescription-only Propecia, are smart choices. These are the only two drugs approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for treating hair loss, both have been shown as effective in preventing hair loss for as long as they are used and can be taken simultaneously for potentially better results. They can help with thinning hair and to promote re-growth of hair. Rogaine can cost about $30 - $40 per month or around $400 -$500 per year.