Rough Skin Treatments

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Ingrown Hairs

Many women make body hair removal part of their beauty routine. Whether you wax, pluck, or shave, the desired effect is hair-free, baby-soft skin that looks and feels smooth. The irony of it all is that most hair removal methods can lead to ingrown hairs. Ingrown hairs occur when a hair is trapped beneath the surface of the skin as it re-grows, leading to unsightly bumps, redness, and irritation. Anything but sexy! Fortunately, you can combat the occurrence of ingrown hairs and treat them when they do occur.

After hair removal, whether by shaving or waxing, you can use a product like Tend Skin. Tend Skin offers patented skin products designed to prevent and/or treat ingrown hairs and shaving bumps. Many women prone to these conditions find Tend Skin works wonders with its soothing, effective, herbal-infused formulations. The original Liquid sells for about $20, but it's a small price to pay for smooth, bump-free skin.

Ingrown hairs are extremely common on the bikini area, where hair tends to grow thick and curly. To make sure your bikini area is beach-ready, try Bikini Zone After Shave Gel ($7.99). This formula goes on clear to instantly reduce discomfort, irritation and the appearance of rough, bumpy skin.

Rough Feet

Ever had the first day of sandal weather ruined by the appearance of your dry, cracked, winter-beaten feet? You're not alone. Try Earth Therapeutics Natural Sierra Pumice Stone to help smooth and soften your feet. You can also use a cream made specifically for feet, like Footworks Deep Moisture Cream ($4) from Avon.