Chill Out: A Diet Trick to Take on the Road

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Fast food restaurants, convenience stores and other one-stop shops for junk food can be the ultimate landmine for even the most determined dieter. When hunger strikes, it's important to have healthy foods on hand. So instead of putting your diet on ice, put some healthy foods on it. When hunger strikes, convenience often outweighs common sense. It's easy to drop into the nearest gas station and grab a bag of chips, a candy bar and a soda. However, it's your waistline that ultimately suffers. Keeping a cooler full of healthy foods will prevent you from making unhealthy pit stops. If you're one of those people who are always on the road again, this tip is for you. Stock your cooler with nutritional foods that provide energy without expanding your waistline. For beverages, bottled water should be your go-to drink. If you want a boost in flavor, simply add individual packets of Crystal Lite or other sugar-free drinks. For your main meal, pack healthy sandwiches on whole grain bread. From PBJ to roast beef, you have plenty of options.