Spring into Action: Five Ways to Get Moving

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Put a check mark or "X" on the calendar on the days you exercise. Make sure it's on a calendar that you see frequently. Perhaps it's the calendar hanging in your kitchen or the calendar you use at work. Marking the days off can be very reinforcing to keep up the good work.

Reward yourself for meeting your exercise goals for the week. If you set a goal to work out three times and you did, then do something special for yourself. It doesn't have to cost much money, but make it something you will truly enjoy. Perhaps you can take a novel to your favorite park to read and enjoy the lovely weather at the same time. Better yet, after 4 weeks of consistently working out, buy yourself a manicure or download a few favorite songs for your iPod.

Even when spring has sprung, you shouldn't let anything get in the way of your exercise routine. Setting goals, getting prepared and lining up a friend to work out with you can all have a positive impact on your motivation to work out through the spring. In addition, reinforcing your efforts to exercise by marking off the days you worked encourages you to get moving and keep moving. Finally, rewarding yourself can keep you exercising through the spring season. After all, you want to look fit and toned in all those spring clothes, don't you?