At Last: 8 Healthy Snacks for TV Couch Time

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Healthy Snacks for TV Couch Time #4: Mini-pizzas
Forget the frozen food section on this one. Anyone with a toaster can make their own healthy version of frozen pizza. All you need is a whole-wheat English muffin, tomato sauce and low-fat mozzarella cheese. The more vegetables and herbs you add to it, the healthier and tastier it will be.

Healthy Snacks for TV Couch Time #5: Pita Chips with Hummus
This is another snack you must make on your own if you want it healthy. All you need is a large, whole-wheat pita. Cut the edge of the pita into chip-size pieces. and then cook them in the oven until crispy before serving with your favorite hummus or dip recipe. In general, when you rely on pre-packaged foods to do the work for you, the price you pay for it is your health.

Healthy Snacks for TV Couch Time #6: Relish Tray
Pickled vegetables are extremely low in calories and a great alternative to snacking on high fat, high sugar processed foods. Marinating your vegetables in vinegar or heart-healthy olive oil will control the amount of salt you eat. The reason fruits and vegetables accelerate weight loss is because they are water-rich, which means you get a full, satisfied feeling without the calories.

Healthy Snacks for TV Couch Time #7: Green Tea
You may not think this is technically a snack, but the health benefits of drinking just one cup of green tea a day can allow you to splurge a little more than usual and still keep your figure intact. The reason this works is because this beverage has been known to actually stimulate and accelerate a person's metabolism. At the same time it fills you up, so you have a more satisfied, healthy feeling.

Healthy Snacks for TV Couch Time #8: Protein Bars
This is the closest you will get to eating a chocolate candy bar and staying relatively healthy. The best reason these are great for snacking is because they are not trigger foods like crackers and potato chips, so you will not want to eat a lot at once. Protein helps build lean muscle mass, which is essential if you plan on being sedentary until the spring.