Pet Obesity: A Growing Concern

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Reasons for obesity in dogs:
When dogs are fed table scraps they become obese -- food cannot be monitored for quality. A high-quality dog food with a good nutritional balance and value should be provided.

Spayed female dogs are more prone to obesity. Likewise, neutered male dogs are at risk. A dog may be become obese due to underactive thyroid hormones. When dogs are not provided regular walks and exercise, they tend to become obese.

Ways to overcome obesity in pets:
Pets should be provided with nutritious, high-protein food. They have to be supplemented with amino acids, vitamins and minerals for regaining their stamina.
Spend time with pets, walking daily and exercising in the backyard or dog park. The valuable time spent with the pet can be very relaxing to both the pet and the owner.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com