Good Habits to Stay Healthy

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2. Drink lots of water throughout the day, the more the better. A good amount to aim for is at least four to six 8-ounce glasses per day. In fact drinking a glass of water when you first get out of bed in the morning is an excellent way to get a jumpstart on your day.

3. Variety is the spice of life- Get into a habit of eating a variety of different foods with your meals, just make sure that at least five servings are fruits and vegetables.

4. Eat plenty of lean, high protein foods in your daily diet such as lean meat, fish, chicken and beans. Stay away from salted and processed meats. Also eat grains, whether they be in the form of wholegrain cereal, breads etc. Grains provide the body with fiber, iron and B vitamins and are therefore a necessity.

5. Milk is more than just delicious, it is very good for you.
6. Some foods, such as potatoes and cheese often get a bad rap as being extremely fattening. Perhaps it is a reputation they do not deserve because "everything in moderation" is a good rule of thumb to live by.

7. Beware of excessive intakes of caffeine. Avoid coffee, soft drinks and chocolate. It can cause dehydration.

8. Take vitamins on a regular basis.

9. Adopting the vegetarian or vegan lifestyle-Vegetarians, and vegans even more so, need to supplement their diets with vitamins to replace what they no longer receive from specific kinds of foods.

10. Dieting can be dangerous.

About the Author: Juliet Cohen writes articles for health doctor and skin disorders. She also writes articles on health disorders.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Good Health Habits to Stay Healthy