How to Get the Most out of Couples' Therapy

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When partners are facing a tough time in their relationship, then sometimes they need to bring in an outside party to help them sort things out. Half the battle in many relationships is getting both partners to agree to couples' therapy. Many times, one partner is reticent to do so, while the other insists, which creates more tension. But once the two of you can get past the therapist's threshold, you'll need to remember a few things to make your time productive and insightful instead of confrontational and emotional. Get started on the right foot by bringing the right attitude. You won't get very far if you're unwilling to listen to reason and modify your own behavior. It's not about you alone – it's about your relationship. Both of you must be willing to at least try to change and see where it takes your relationship. Make time for therapy -- don't cancel or beg off every time it's time to go.