Signs He's Not Ready to Commit

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His friends may be important to him, but if spending time with them means forsaking time with you, then he may not be ready to commit. And having friends who are single simply keeps your guy from being "the one with the girlfriend" who's left out of all the fun, so being friends with lots of players may mean your guy's one, too. Take a look at his professional life - has your guy reached all his career goals and benchmarks of what he considers a successful life? Men, more so than women, seem to have more of a desire to have their affairs in order before committing to a woman and ultimately getting married. Perhaps a certain degree or well-paying job is his goal - if he's in love with you (and you are with him), then why not support one another until you both feel more comfortable starting a life together? At any point in a relationship, it's important to know his intentions - if marriage is never going to be in the cards for him, then you may be wasting your time trying to change his mind.