How to Communicate In Your Marriage

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The buzz word for saving a marriage nowadays seems to be "communicate'. It is as if it will automatically zip up all conflicts and resolve all hurts. It may seem a simple word but it can be quite difficult for one to practice.

There are some pointers for a couple with marital problems to learn the right communication skills before using them correctly to fix their communication in marriage problems.

Your spouse is the closest human relation on earth to you; hence it is your rightful duty, as per your marriage vows, to treat each other well. Each has to look out for the welfare of the other and give one's spouse the best of oneself. But most of us tend to react the other way; we are most polite to strangers but rude and critical with our spouse. We tend to take our loved ones for granted.

Hence, before good communication can happen between the married couple, they must remember their status in each other's lives and be given top priority at all times.