Halloween Is Where "Trick or Treat" and "Safety" Should Meet

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Creating Suitable Costumes With Safety In Mind

1. Check that costumes are flame-retardant so the little ones are not in jeopardy near candle lit jack-o-lanterns and alternate fire risks.

2. Keep costumes short to prevent trips, falls, and alternate bumps in the nighttime.

3. Prompt kids to wear comfortable shoes.

4. Try make-up instead of a mask. Masks can be hot and uncomfortable and, more importantly, they can obstruct a child's vision - a hazardous thing when kids are crossing streets and going up and down steps.

5. Make sure kids wear light colored costumes or put reflective tape on their costumes.

Dressed Up And Perilous?

Halloween blood and gore are unperilous stuff for the most part. But sometimes dressing up as a super-hero, a scary monster, or a slimy alien from outer space - coupled with the excitement of Halloween - brings out ferocious demeanors. Even fake knives, swords, and guns and other costume accessories can accidentally incapacitate people. If these objects are part of a child's costume, make sure they are made from cardboard or ancillary flexible materials. Better yet, challenge kids to fashion costumes that don't need "weapons" to be scary or funmaking.

Preparing Ghost and Goblins for Their Tricks and Treats

1. Make sure older kids go out with friends they know. Younger children should be accompanied by an adult. If you live in a agricultural area, offer all children a ride in the truck.

2. It is advisable to set a time limit for children to trick-or-treat. Together, sketch out a safe route so you understand where they'll be. Remind them not to take shortcuts through backyards, alleys, or playing fields.

3. Remind children not to enter strange houses or automobiles.

4. Attempt to get kids to trick-or-treat while it is still light out. If it is dark, make sure a couple of people are carrying flashlights that work and are loaded with fresh batteries.

Pranks That Can Be a Little Trickish Without Safety in Mind

Halloween is notorious as a night of pranks - toilet papering a house or lining mailboxes with shaving cream are not advisable. Try to get a handle on your children's plans before they go out. Make clear to them that while you want them to have a delightful time, some tricks [pranks] could maim innocent children or destroy property.