How Much Does a New Baby Cost?

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Parents who participated in the Redbook survey also admitted to underestimating the financial impact that maternity or paternity leave would have on their household income. Decide how much time you can take off from work if you work, and take as much as possible. If you plan to formula-feed your baby, factor in that cost, plus the accessories like bottles and nipples. There's no guarantee that the baby will fit into newborn-sized clothing upon birth, so it's important to have a range of sizes on hand to fit him. Be prepared for the baby to grow out of his clothing every few months - some babies fit into a 3-6 month size at 6 weeks! So what's the answer? Ideally, you'll have all the answers before getting pregnant. But if not, sock away a bit of money, and try not to splurge on luxurious, big-ticket items. You can find great, gently used baby equipment and clothing online or at consignment shops for a fraction of their brand-new cost. Don't worry so much about "ringing" up baby - just do your best at bringing up baby.