Taking Anti-Aging Into Your Hands

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WebMD reports that skin creams that promote the formation of collagen are great for skin care on the hands. Many of these are by prescription only, so it's best to see a dermatologist if you're serious about reversing the signs of aging on your hands. In the meantime, a good drugstore cream that contains vitamin E, shea butter, olive oil and/or glycerin is perfect for daily maintenance. Nivea, Lubriderm and Eucerin are all great brands to look for when buying hand cream. Be sure to select one that contains a good sunscreen as well. If creams just don't work to turn back the hands of time, then don't throw up your hands in despair. Many of the same treatments, like fillers and Botox, have the same effect on hands as they do for faces. Simply be sure to select a professional who is certified in the procedure to give you a helping hand.