Cost and Care of a New Tattoo

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Next issue: caring for the new tattoo. While the tattoo design is really important, it is not nearly as important as taking proper care of it. Good tattoo artists clean and apply antiseptic ointment as they create your tattoo. Once your tattoo is complete, the artists will clean it off and apply antiseptic ointment as well as put a piece of soft tissue or cellophane wrap over the new tattooed area.

Now that your tattoo is finished, the tattoo artist should tell you how to take care of it. Many artists will talk to you and give you a detailed sheet with all of the information you need to take care of that new tattoo. Taking care of a tattoo isn't all that hard as long as you know what you should and shouldn't do.

A few tips to remember are to keep it dry for the first few days, but to clean it every few hours. Always make sure that your hands are clean when dealing with the new tattoo. Keeping your hands clean while working with the new tattoo will cut down on worrying about getting an infection.

You'll need a tube of A&D ointment or antibiotic ointment which will help keep your tattoo clean and shiny - this should be used for the first few days. If the ointment starts to dry on the tattoo, take off the old application and apply some more. Don't rub the new tattoo too hard or you could damage it and slow down healing.