Dos And Don'ts Of Perfume

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Too much overdoing of perfume application won`t make you smell any better! Hence stop spraying extra perfume over your garments, neck, and even hair. Also it`s not a good idea to put fragrance directly on furs or fabrics as it might stain. You want to please yourself and those who are closest to you with your fragrance. Anything beyond that is considered as overdoing.

The perfect time to apply perfume is right after a shower as the pores of our body is open then and it soaks up the scent of the perfume. Those who have dry skin should apply more perfume.

It`s a good idea to change perfume according to the season. Stronger perfumes are required for winter as the perfume scent gets reduced with the dip in temperature. You can dab your perfume in usual places such as on the wrist, the inside of the elbow, neck or even the back of the knees. But restrain from applying it behind the ears as it might blend with the skin secretions and create a bad smell.

About the Author
Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for www.polomercantil.com.br.