5 Ways to Make Your Boobs Look Better…In Clothes!

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The Right Silhouette: Upright Posture

The best shapewear in the world can’t overcome a lousy posture.

Standing up straight can do wonders for your chest, not to mention your entire body. In fact, proper carriage, standing or sitting tall and straight with our bones and muscles properly aligned, is like a mini-makeover.

Rebecca Gorrell, movement therapy director at Canyon Ranch Spas, told WebMD, "Good posture makes you look younger, thinner, and taller. Other people will see you as more energetic and relaxed."

The flip-side of that isn’t such a pretty picture. "When we're slumped over, our folds of excess flab are bunched together," Lynn Millar, PhD, PT, a professor of physical therapy at Andrews University who also spoke to WebMD. According to Millar, 80 percent of us suffer from a slouched, hunched-over posture.

How do we get it right?

Keep your back straight and your shoulders back. Keep your head over your shoulders - don’t let it lean forward. Pull your abdomen inwards, too. Many of these tips can even apply when you’re sitting down. Instead of leaning forward, allow your back to rest against the back rest. Keep your feet on the floor, too.[relatedarticles}

Next time you’re in front of the mirror, stand up straight. Be mindful of what a good posture looks and feels like. Try to maintain that posture throughout the day, even when you’re sitting. Your chest will thank you.

Another aspect to good posture is a healthy weight. By maintaining the proper weight for your size you won’t suffer the dreaded saggy boob. Wear a sports bra when exercising and avoid smoking, which breaks down collagen, a major component for perky, upright breasts.