How to Take Care of Your Eyebrows with Tweezers

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How To Pluck Eyebrows:

Look and study your brows in the mirror. Pluck when your pores are open. Do your eyebrows immediately after a shower, or apply warm compress to your brow area to open up the pores.

This will help in minimizing the pain that plucking can create. Apply a baby's teething pain preparation. If you are plucking your eyebrows for the first time, it will be helpful to apply a baby's teething gel, to numb the are so you can pluck with comfort.

Be certain that there is enough natural light available in the room. Use a pair of tweezers that you can handle easily. Test that it can grip the hairs well, so it can pull the hair from the roots well, without slipping every time you pluck. Soften the hairs with a skin conditioner or moisturizer, so hairs can slide out easily.

Brush the brows upward so you can see your natural arch and shape your brows from there. From time to time, stand back, take a few steps away from the mirror and examine your brows. Be conscious always of your eye's natural shape.