The Biggest Excuses Not to Exercise: Debunked!

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Another often-used excuse is, "I can't afford a gym membership." A person does not need a gym membership to exercise. Unless you are physically ill, you can go for a run, a walk or a bike ride around the block. There are a multitude of resistance exercises that can be done with only your own body weight or a set of dumbbells. Exercise doesn't have to cost a single cent; a gym membership should be considered a luxury. If it is of high enough importance, however, most people adjust their budget to accommodate the extra cost, especially in light of the benefits.

How about your children? Are they preventing you from working out? There are many ways around this one. Can you multi-task and work out at home while you are watching them? Children are full of energy. With growing bodies, they should not be sitting still for too long, anyway. Go outside to play together -- they could probably use the time away from the television, computer or video game. If fitness is a priority, and you find that you absolutely cannot incorporate your kids into your program, find someone who can watch the kids for 30-45 minutes while you go break a sweat. Many gyms have a daycare solution as well. While children do present a challenge in being able to accomplish certain things, health is so vitally important that it should find a place in your daily routine.