Constipation: Causes and Treatments

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Then again, sometimes the problem is not medicine at all. People who ignore the urge to have bowel movements experience quite the undesirable side effect. They actually lose the ability to feel the urge at all, and this leads to constipation.

Medical Conditions

Numerous mental, medical, metabolic, and systemic conditions can cause constipation. These include eating disorders, depression, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), and colon cancer. Colon cancer needs to be detected early or it will become fatal. Metabolic and endocrine conditions that promote constipation include diabetes, uremia, hypocalcaemia and hypothyroidism.

Systemic disorders like lupus and scleroderma could be the cause. Also consider neurological disorders like Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis and those created by spinal cord injuries. If you suffer from none of these conditions, barriers (e..g, scar tissue, tumors, hemorrhoids) may be obstructing the colon.

Constipation and Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the uterus expands near the intestines and certain hormones relax the intestinal muscles. This causes waste to pass through the digestive system slower than usual. Iron pills can make this problem worse. After trying to solve the problem by drinking more water, some pregnant women even switch to different brands of iron pills -- after consulting with their doctors, of course.