Diet Secrets of Naturally Slim People

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Some people make poor diet choices, and eat too many starches and sugars, for the quick energy fix. This can lead to health problems such as diabetes and hypoglycemia. Eating a balanced diet is a must for everyone.

Secret Two: Naturally thin people generally maintain an active lifestyle.

The naturally thin may not "exercise" religiously, but neither do they sit on their couches eating Cheetos all day. Daily life revolves around an "on the go" agenda. That mother with four kids who still weighs less than 120 pounds might work all day, run up and down the stairs doing laundry and caring for her kids all evening -- and still find the time to volunteer with Boy Scouts or other groups.

The man with the mysteriously good physique might not have a gym membership, but probably spends his days working, evenings doing various activities, and weekends water-skiing or playing golf. Without activity, the naturally thin may still remain thin, but will not remain toned!