Diet Secrets of Naturally Slim People

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Secret Three: Naturally thin people generally maintain a positive attitude.

Depression and anxiety can lead to weight gain and poor health choices. It is important to maintain a healthy attitude. Self-talk may seem corny, but a person must be able to be his or her own cheerleader. Naturally thin people don't rely on food as comfort when faced with depression as often as those who have trouble keeping their weight in check.

Secret Four: Naturally thin people are often just as jealous of naturally curvy people as they are of the thin.

Slender people often have to make more time in their busy schedules to eat in order to maintain energy. Further, slender people put up with the same type of teasing as obese people. Feelings get hurt all the same. Slender people often wish they had voluptuous curves, or body-builder bulk. The key is for a person to accept their body type and work with that body type to maintain health.

It seems that with society's focus on model-perfect figures, both slender and obese people have struggles to overcome. The key that people need to realize is that no one has it easy. Health is a destination, but there are a million paths to it.